You may think that the odds of encountering a workplace injury are small. However, in 2016-17 across Australia there were over 106,000 serious injuries and over 190 fatal injuries. The fact is, no one is exempt from the risks associated with workplace injuries.
Workplace Injuries: The Facts
The causes of workplace injuries reported in 2016-2017 include:
Body Stressing – 40,3300
Falls, trips and slips – 25,070
Being hit by a moving object – 16,565
Hitting objects with a part of the body – 8,070
Mental stress – 6,675
Other mechanisms incl. biological factors, sound and pressure, other multiple mechanisms of incident, roll over, slide or cave-in – 4,645
Vehicle collisions – 2,650
Heat, electricity & other environmental factors – 1,455
Chemicals & other substances – 800
Workplace Fatalities: The Facts
The causes of workplace fatalities reported in 2017 include:

You may think that the odds of encountering a workplace injury are small. However, in 2017 across Australia there were over 190 fatal injuries
Vehicle collision – 60
Being hit by moving objects – 35
Falls from a height – 28
Being hit by falling objects – 15
Roll over of non-road vehicle – 10
Drowning – 8
Other mechanisms – 34
Preventing Workplace Injuries and Fatalities
It is important to remember that workplace injuries can lead to other injuries. For instance, if an employee is seriously injured by a fall that produces a blood spill, other employees are at risk of blood borne pathogens exposure and/or slipping or falling themselves. Therefore, it is not recommended that employees attempt to clean up the blood or body fluids. To prevent possible infection or injury of your workers and comply with OSHA regulations, it is recommended that employers request the service of a biohazard remediation company to remove potential biohazards and sanitise the site.
Brisbane Crime Scene Cleaning is the industry leader in biohazard remediation with exceptional experience. We work with some of the largest retail, municipal, government, and industrial organisations across Queensland and Australia for clean-up activities related to workplace injuries, fatalities, crime, and other biohazard situations. Contact a Brisbane Crime Scene Cleaning technician today for further information on how we can assist you in a workplace injury or fatality clean up.